16. THE BRONX - The Bronx

Hardcore has never really been my thing.  I’m told The Bronx qualify as hardcore.  Whether this is true or not, I’m not sure, but either way this album is a killer.  It just kicks arse, no messing.  Three minute powerhouse songs with great hooks.  The whole quiet/loud dynamic employed to devastating effect.  There is not a shred of subtlety anywhere on this CD, and that is what I love it for.  This is a jump-around-the-bedroom-like-a-loon-and-damn-the-neighbours type album.  It gets to #16 on my list because it bashed its way there.  If I was still 16 myself, it’d be in the top 5.  Scream ‘f**king die!!!!!!’  Scream it like you mean it.