A Decade Ago…

As I write, it is December 2014.  Every Christmas, since the year 2000, my friend Adam and I exchange a top 20 albums of the year list (full-length, studio albums of original material released that year).  This has evolved into a major geek-fest exercise where we write detailed notes/commentaries on our selections and post them online.  I have, for instance, just posted my top 20 albums of 2014 here

These lists first started going up online in 2005, but this year I have come across (at least what remains) of my lists going back to the first year we did this.  So I thought I’d upload these ‘lost’ early lists too so there is a record of the tradition going back to its very inception.  For most of these early years (2000-2003), we either didn’t write down any commentaries/reviews for our entries, or  -where we did - I have since lost them.  I have nonetheless now put the bare-bones lists for 2000-2003 online for the first time here.

For 2004, though, my full list, notes and commentaries have survived, so I have uploaded them below: a decade on.  Everything is essentially left as I wrote it at the time (although I have not been able to resist adding in a few notes here and there – these are fully signposted as 2014 additions!).  This is very much what I considered to be my favourite albums of the year at the time too – if I drew up a 'best of 2004' list now it would, I suspect, be very different…

Anyway, from the archives, I present The List 2004.  Enjoy.