Damn this rocks. What a band.
They are just one of the all time greats. Simple as that. Last years’ High Anxiety was #6, I believe, and I loved it. Less
than a year later, they give me
this. Mind blowing stuff. Every track is a winner. ‘Polar Bear’, ‘Die Like a Motherfucker’ (I
know, what a song title), ‘Last One to Heaven’s a Loser’…I could go on. Andy still bangs out lyrics that do things to
me; “For fuck sake help me, because I need a friend to get me through this…”
and “I’m the President, and I like it, a fully fledged bible black-belt tyrant…”
being examples. This album reminds me of
Nirvana. I know that’s taboo to say, and I’m not
really comparing them – it just has that feel, rock and pop, dirty and
simple. And classic. The thing about Therapy? is that every album is different. They never release the same thing twice
(which is why they lost most of their fans after Troublegum, way back in ‘95), and yet they retain the essence of
what makes them Therapy? This band has released ten albums to
date. For me six of those are bona fide
classics. I’m not sure there is another
band I could say that of.